Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What to Blog About?

While searching for ideas for posts I came to several conclusions. First of all, there are a lot of blog posts about blog ideas. Unfortunately for me they were way to general of ideas to spark anything significant to write about. A majority of them listed basic things such as; write about how to do something, write about an upcoming event or something that is changing in your life, review a product or service, write a top 5 or 10 or whatever list, and so on, when really I was looking for a specific idea to spark some writing. Not that they aren't good ideas to get someone going, I was just looking for something a little more focused or specific. I'm not as creative as I once was when I was younger. Besides, there really isn't anything all that exciting going on or upcoming in my life that I'm aware of at the moment, and I'm sure no one wants to hear a boring story about updating my resume for the hundredth time and continuing the job hunt. It makes me sleepy just thinking about having to write about it. Then there is also always the possibility that I was just searching in the wrong places.

Then two more things hit me...
one was why not write a blog post about not being able to find an idea. Then the second one, I have three years of college under my belt, maybe if I look through some of the work I did for that I could find something to post about, or even just pull one of those things out, dust it off and simply post it. For those of you thinking it, yes I know I only have a two year degree, but it took me three because my loans didn't cover full time credits and I couldn't afford the rest out of pocket.

So I would love to hear from the readers, what would you like to see, what would you like to read about, or do you have a topic you would maybe even like a friendly debate about?  I think I will also from time to time go ahead and pull out some old homework in hopes someone besides my instructors will find it interesting. Why not right?

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